Vitamin C Special


Few people know about the Vitamin C bowel flush that cleanses your stomach ridding you of the toxins in your system that are causing many of the diseases your experience in your body. It is important that a bowel flush is done at least twice a year to maintain optimum wellness. Vitamin C does a fantastic job of repairing burnt out adrenal glands, normalizing cholesterol, improving blood flow, regulating blood sugar, reducing arthritic pain, boosting energy levels, enabling production of collagen, and is a powerful antioxidant, which means it can repair and rejuvenate cells, as well as, protect the heart.

Ingredients: Each teaspoon contains 5000 mg of Vitamin C (L-Ascorbic Acid)
Directions: Add 1 teaspoon of Vitamin C to 1/2 teaspoon of Alkaline Powder and mix in glass water until fizz stops (ensuring the Vitamin C is neutralized  to an alkalinity of pH 9.4) or as directed by your health consultant.

SKU: AC002 Category:

Vitamin C is far more than an immune booster, and supports a long and healthy life.
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